2 نتائج ترجمة لِ: silhouette
silhouette noun
خَيَال, ظِلّ
شَكْل الظِّل
silhouette noun
  • the silhouettes of buildings against the sky
  • The buildings appeared in silhouette against the sky.
  • My piano teacher has a framed silhouette of Mozart on her wall.
  • a portrait of my mother done in silhouette
  • He admired the sports car's sleek silhouette.
silhouette verb
silhouetted, has silhouetted, is silhouetting, silhouettes
ارْتَسَمَ, بَانَ
silhouette verb
  • in the photograph the majestic mountain is strikingly silhouetted against the setting sun
مرادفات لِ:
silhouette verb