2 نتائج ترجمة لِ: neglect
neglect noun
تَفْرِيط, تَرْك
إِهْمَال, تَقَاعُس, تَغَافُل
neglect noun
  • The park was overgrown and littered from years of neglect.
  • The parents were charged with child neglect.
  • The house is in a state of neglect.
neglect verb
neglected, has neglected, is neglecting, neglects
أَهْمَلَ, تَقَاعَسَ, قَصَّرَ
أَغْفَلَ, تَهَاوَنَ, تَغَافَلَ
تَرَكَ, فَرَّطَ
neglect verb
  • The building has been neglected for years.
  • The city has neglected the teacher shortage for too long.
  • The prison guard neglected his duty.
مرادفات لِ:
neglect verb