1 نتائج ترجمة لِ: higher
high adjective
عُلْوِيّ, عَلِيّ, عَالٍ
طَوِيل, مَدِيد
سَمِيّ, سَامٍ
high adjective
  • The apartment has high ceilings.
  • The airplane was high above the clouds.
  • The bush is six feet high.
  • a building 100 stories high
  • They have a home in the high country.
  • The houses are built on high ground.
  • They reached speeds as high as 100 mph.
  • He's being treated for high blood pressure.
  • She earns a high salary.
  • His books are in high demand.
مرادفات لِ:
high adjective