2 Translation results for: moves
move noun
تَدْبِير, خُطْوَة
Example sentences of
move noun
  • He made a sudden move that scared away the squirrel.
  • an athlete who has some good moves
  • The policeman warned him not to make any false moves.
  • He was afraid to make a move.
  • No one is sure what his next move will be.
  • He's preparing for his move to California.
Synonyms of
move noun
move verb
moved, has moved, is moving, moves
حَرَّكَ, تَحَرَّكَ
نَقَلَ, تَحَلْحَلَ
تَرَاقَصَ, قَلْقَلَ
Example sentences of
move verb
  • He moved the chair closer to the table.
  • It may be necessary to move the patient to intensive care.
  • The breeze moved the branches of the trees.
  • The branches moved gently in the breeze.
  • She was unable to move her legs.
  • She was so frightened that she could hardly move.
  • I moved over so that she could sit next to me.
  • We moved into the shade.
  • The police were moving through the crowd telling people to move toward the exit.
  • We could hear someone moving around upstairs.