2 Translation results for: harbor
harbor verb
harbored, has harbored, is harboring, harbors
وَفَّرَ لَهُ مَلْجَأ, أَلْجَأَ
أَخْفَى, أَبْطَنَ
Example sentences of
harbor verb
  • It is illegal to harbor an escaped convict.
  • He still harbors deep feelings of resentment toward his former employer.
  • I don't harbor any illusions about our chances for success.
  • She studies the genetic material harbored in a cell's nucleus.
  • Some of these animals may harbor disease that could affect humans.
harbor noun
مِينَاء, مَرْفَأ, مَرْسًى
Example sentences of
harbor noun
  • The tanker stayed in Boston harbor three days to undergo repairs.
  • Seeking a harbor from the drenching rain, we unfortunately chose a bank where a robbery was taking place.
Synonyms of
harbor noun