2 Translation results for: gag
gag noun
سَدَّاد لِلْفَم
وَسِيلَة لِتَقْيِيد حُرِّيَّة الرَّأْي
مُلَاحَظَة مُضحِكَة
حِيلَة, خُدْعَة, مَزْحَة, فُكَاهَة, نُكْتَة
Example sentences of
gag noun
  • The movie relies on simpleminded gags for laughs.
  • They hid his clothes as a gag.
  • They tied up the hostages and put gags in their mouths.
  • The government is trying to put a gag on the press.
Synonyms of
gag noun
gag verb
gagged, has gagged, is gagging, gags
كَتَم فَم شَخْص لِمَنْعِهِ مِن الْكَلَام, أَسْكَتَ, أَخْرَسَ, أَبْكَمَ
Example sentences of
gag verb
  • The government is trying to gag the press.
  • the terrible smell of rotting fish made me gag
Synonyms of
gag verb