3 Translation results for: flash
flash noun
خَطْفَة, لَمْحَة
بَرْق, لُمْعَة, وَمِيض
Example sentences of
flash noun
  • A brilliant flash lit up the sky.
  • The idea for the movie came to her in a flash of inspiration.
  • They relied on gimmicks and flash to get people's attention.
  • a show with a lot of flash but little substance
flash adjective
خَاطِف, فَاجِئ, مُفَاجِئ
Example sentences of
flash adjective
  • flash floods in the local area
Synonyms of
flash adjective
flash verb
flashed, has flashed, is flashing, flashes
بَرَقَ, لَمَعَ, أَلَقَ, تَأَلَّقَ, سَنَا
وَمَضَ, خَفَقَ
Example sentences of
flash verb
  • Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed.
  • Cameras flashed as the celebrities passed.
  • A car was sitting on the side of the road with its lights flashing.
  • A message flashed on the screen.
  • The screen flashed a message in black letters.
  • Her eyes flashed with anger.