2 Translation results for: established
established adjective
Example sentences of
established adjective
  • We acted by a well-established principle.
  • My aunt works in an established law firm.
establish verb
established, has established, is establishing, establishes
أَقَامَ, أَسَّسَ, أَصَّلَ, كَرَّسَ
بَرَمَ, أَبْرَمَ, بَنَى, أَنْشَأَ
أَقَرَّ, حَدَّدَ, سَنَّ, اسْتَنَّ, أَرْسَى
ثَبَّتَ, أَثْبَتَ
Example sentences of
establish verb
  • The film established her as a star.
  • She established a reputation as a hard worker.
  • The word is now established as part of the English language.
  • The company has established itself as a leader in the industry.
  • As a young doctor he worked hard to establish himself in the community.
  • They want to establish their children in the family business.
  • She established a system of tracking expenses more accurately.
  • The two countries established a mutual trade agreement.
  • establishing a link between diet and cancer
  • Investigators are trying to establish if anyone knew about these problems before the accident.
  • They established the city in the 18th century.
Synonyms of
establish verb