3 Translation results for: bluff
bluff verb
bluffed, has bluffed, is bluffing, bluffs
كَذَبَ, افْتَرَى
Example sentences of
bluff verb
  • She says someone else has made her a higher offer, but I think she's bluffing.
  • Don't listen to his threats—he's just bluffing you.
  • I bluffed my way through the interview.
  • Don't listen to his threats-he's just bluffing you.
bluff adjective
وِدِّيّ, طَيِّب القَلْب
Example sentences of
bluff adjective
  • he's a bluff but good-hearted teacher
Synonyms of
bluff adjective
bluff noun
كِذْب, احْتِيَال, خِدَاع
Synonyms of
bluff noun