2 Translation results for: penetrating
penetrating adjective
Example sentences of
penetrating adjective
  • She is one of our most penetrating and provocative critical thinkers.
  • an author famous for her penetrating social commentary
  • a penetrating account of what really happened during the crisis
  • flowers that give off a penetrating perfume
Synonyms of
penetrating adjective
penetrate verb
penetrated, has penetrated, is penetrating, penetrates
نَفَذَ, وَلَجَ, تَوَلَّجَ, غَلْغَلَ, تَغَلْغَلَ
خَاضَ, انْغَرَزَ
Example sentences of
penetrate verb
  • These bullets can penetrate armor.
  • radiation penetrating the Earth's atmosphere
  • The bullet failed to penetrate.
  • The heat penetrated through the wall.
  • The roots of these plants have been known to penetrate to a depth of more than 15 feet.
  • My car's headlights couldn't penetrate the dense fog.
Synonyms of
penetrate verb