3 Translation results for: rank
rank noun
رُتْبَة, مَرْتَبَة, قَدْر
مَقَام, مَكَانَة, صَفّ
Example sentences of
rank noun
  • people of high rank and profession
  • She's not concerned about rank or wealth.
  • officers with the rank of captain
  • He rose to the rank of partner in the law firm.
  • He longed to join the upper social ranks.
  • military ranks such as private, corporal, and sergeant
  • He moved up through the ranks to become vice president of the company.
  • The organization's ranks have doubled in the past two years.
  • The flu swept through the ranks, infecting almost every soldier.
  • Several men were selected from the ranks.
Synonyms of
rank noun
rank verb
ranked, has ranked, is ranking, ranks
صَنَّفَ, حَسَبَ
Example sentences of
rank verb
  • A magazine recently ranked the school as one of the best in the country.
  • The city currently ranks as the world's largest.
  • Students who rank in the top third of their class have a better chance of being accepted to the college of their choice.
Synonyms of
rank verb
rank adjective
عَفِن, كَريه الرّائِحَة
Example sentences of
rank adjective
  • You can't expect a rank beginner like her to know all the rules of the game.
  • covered with trumpet vines so rank you couldn't see the trellis beneath them