2 Translation results for: public
public noun
جُمْهُور, مَلَأ
Example sentences of
public noun
  • The beach is open to the public.
  • The general public is in favor of the law.
  • Members of the public called for the mayor's resignation.
public adjective
عَامّ, عُمُومِيّ
عَلَنِيّ, إِعْلَانِيّ, جَهْرِيّ
Example sentences of
public adjective
  • Public outrage over the scandal eventually forced him to resign.
  • The ads are intended to increase public awareness of the risks of smoking.
  • She was elected to a public office.
  • He was in Congress for many years but he recently retired from public life.
  • They decided on a nearby restaurant as a convenient public place to meet.
  • The government has allowed public access to the documents.
  • The city council is holding a public meeting.
  • This will be her first public performance in five years.
  • Her trial will be public.