3 Translation results for: leading
leading adjective
Example sentences of
leading adjective
  • Their family played a leading part in the settlement of the town.
  • She got the leading role in a major Hollywood movie.
  • This is a leading topic of conversation.
  • She's one of the leading authorities on the stock market.
  • a leading citizen of the town
leading noun
lead verb
led, has led, is leading, leads
قَادَ, اقْتَادَ, رَأَسَ, تَرَأَّسَ
قَيَّضَ, أَهْدَى, أَمَّ
أَخَذَ, وَخَّى
Responsive image
A Swiss farmer leads his cattle through the mountains.
Example sentences of
lead verb
  • You lead us and we'll follow right behind you.
Synonyms of
lead verb