3 Translation results for: keen
keen adjective
مَاضٍ, قَاطِع,بَاتِر, حَادّ
نَبِيه, بَصِير, حَادّ الذِّهْن
لَاذِع, ثَاقِب
شَدِيد, قَوِيّ
رَائِع, مُمْتَاز
Example sentences of
keen adjective
  • He is keen to learn more about art history.
  • She's a very keen observer of the political world.
  • They are pilots with especially keen eyesight.
keen verb
keened, has keened, is keening, keens
Example sentences of
keen verb
  • mourners keening at a funeral
  • victims of the disaster have been keening for weeks about the slowness of governmental aid
keen noun
Example sentences of
keen noun
  • the loud keens of the widows were heard throughout the war-ravaged city