3 Translation results for: found
found verb
founded, has founded, is founding, founds
أَسَّسَ, أَنْشَأَ
Example sentences of
found verb
  • He founded the company 10 years ago from the ground up.
found adjective
find verb
found, has found, is finding, finds
وَجَدَ, لَاقَى
أَدْرَكَ, فَهِمَ, عَثَرَ
اهْتَدَى, اسْتَنْبَطَ, اكْتَشَفَ
Example sentences of
find verb
  • He found a dollar on the ground.
  • The well diggers found a number of Native American artifacts.
  • After an hour of searching, I finally found my glasses.
  • We need to find a suitable person for the job.
  • She found the answer at last.
  • They claim to have found a more efficient way to run the business.
  • researchers trying to find a cure for cancer
  • You must find time to do it.
  • I found a way to pay for college without taking out any loans.
  • She found the courage to address the crowd.
Synonyms of
find verb