2 Translation results for: finger
finger noun
Example sentences of
finger noun
  • There are five fingers on one hand.
  • He slipped the ring onto her finger.
  • The baby held onto my thumb with her tiny fingers.
  • She ran her fingers through his hair.
  • He drummed his fingers on the table impatiently.
  • a finger of land extending into the sea
  • She was so mad, she gave him the finger.
  • Some angry driver flipped me the finger on the highway this morning.
  • Don't stick your fingers in the cookie batter!
Reverse translation for
finger verb
fingered, has fingered, is fingering, fingers
Example sentences of
finger verb
  • He was fingered as a suspect.
  • thus far authorities haven't been able to finger the person who's been lighting fires around town
Synonyms of
finger verb
Related phrases for