2 Translation results for: fall
fall verb
fell, has fallen, is falling, falls
سَقَطَ, هَوَى
تَرَدَّى, نَزَلَ, انْحَسَرَ
طَاحَ, تَطَوَّحَ
هَطَلَ, تَهَطَّلَ
Responsive image
A man falls on the wet floor.
Example sentences of
fall verb
  • An apple fell from the tree.
  • A vase fell off the shelf.
  • Rain fell from the sky.
  • the sound of the falling rain
  • She slipped and fell on the ice.
  • He fell flat on his face.
  • She was afraid that I would trip and fall.
  • He fell down the stairs.
  • One of the sailors had fallen overboard.
  • He fell back onto the bed.
Synonyms of
fall verb
fall noun
سَقْطَة, عَثْرَة, كَبْوَة
هَدْر, تَدَهْوُر, انْهِيَار
هَبْطَة, هُبُوط, مَهْبِط
Example sentences of
fall noun
  • Several weeks of fall remain before winter begins.
  • She went off to college in the fall.
  • When fall came he planted grass.
  • She's had several bad falls in recent years.
  • the rise and fall of the tide
  • a fall from a horse
  • a fall of three feet
  • a fall in the price of oil
Synonyms of
fall noun