2 Translation results for: endemic
endemic adjective
مُتَوَطِّن, مُتَعَلِّق بِمَنْطِقَة جُغْرَافِيَّة مُعَيَّنَة
Example sentences of
endemic adjective
  • the fish is not an endemic species of the lake, and it is rapidly devouring the native trout population
Synonyms of
endemic adjective
endemic noun
مُتَعَلِّق بِمَنْطِقَة جُغْرَافِيَّة مُعَيَّنَة
مَرَض سَائِد بِمَنْطِقَة جُغْرَافِيَّة مُعَيَّنَة