1 Translation results for: believe
believe verb
believed, has believed, is believing, believes
آمَنَ, صَدَّقَ
حَسِبَ, تَرَأَّى, اعْتَقَدَ, خَالَ, ظَنَّ
Example sentences of
believe verb
  • The scientists believed the reports.
  • Many people seem to believe that theory, but I find it hard to believe.
  • You shouldn't believe everything you read.
  • He says he'll help us, but I don't believe what he says.
  • They were tricked into believing that he was a doctor.
  • He says he'll help us, but I don't believe him.
  • She went to church because her family expected it, but she didn't really believe.
Synonyms of
believe verb