2 نتائج ترجمة لِ: wrench
wrench noun
إِلْتِوَاء, لَيّ, فَتْل
أَلَم, أَسًى
مِفْتَاح الْبَرَاغِي
Responsive image
A wrench is used to tighten or loosen bolts, knobs and taps.
wrench noun
  • With a sharp wrench of the hammer I pulled the nail from the board.
  • It was a wrench to say goodbye to all my friends.
مرادفات لِ:
wrench noun
wrench verb
wrenched, has wrenched, is wrenching, wrenches
لَوَى, شَوَّهَ, فَتَلَ
wrench verb
  • I tried to wrench free from his grip.
  • I tried to wrench myself free from his grip.
  • He wrenched his back when he tried to lift a heavy box.
  • She wrenched the toy from his grasp.
  • The statue was wrenched from its pedestal.
مرادفات لِ:
wrench verb