2 نتائج ترجمة لِ: watch
watch verb
watched, has watched, is watching, watches
شَاهَدَ, نَظَرَ
نَبِهَ, انْتَبَهَ
رَصَدَ, رَقَبَ, رَاقَبَ, حَرَسَ
watch verb
  • They have a rookie on the team who is fun to watch.
  • I fell asleep watching television.
  • What movie are you watching?
  • “Mom, watch me do a cartwheel!”
  • She sat and watched the children play.
  • “Would you like to play, too?” “No, I'll just watch.”
  • Just sit back and watch.
  • Keep watching to see what happens next.
  • “What happens next?” “Watch and see.”
  • People are watching this presidential race very carefully.
مرادفات لِ:
watch verb
watch noun
سَاعَة يَد
حَرَس, رَصْد, رَقَابَة, خِفَارَة
watch noun
  • He glanced at his watch.
  • I looked at my watch.
  • When you're driving in winter you should always be on the watch for ice on the roads.
مرادفات لِ:
watch noun