2 نتائج ترجمة لِ: spoof
spoof noun
مَقْلَب, خُدْعَة, حِيلَة
مُحَاكَاة أَدَبِيَّة سَاخِرَة
spoof noun
  • many viewers thought that the spoof of a television newscast was the real thing
مرادفات لِ:
spoof noun
spoof verb
spoofed, has spoofed, is spoofing, spoofs
تَهَكَّمَ, سَخِرَ
احْتَالَ, خَدَعَ
spoof verb
  • spoofed overly competitive parents in a mockumentary about tryouts for a national T-ball team
  • the newspaper was spoofed by a supposedly plausible claim of a UFO encounter