2 نتائج ترجمة لِ: rear
rear noun
مُؤَخَّر, مُؤَخَّرَة
عَجِيزَة, كَفَل
Responsive image
There is a bathroom and two emergency exits at the rear of the plane.
rear noun
  • There are two bedrooms at the rear.
  • The rear of the car was sleekly designed.
مرادفات لِ:
rear noun
rear verb
reared, has reared, is rearing, rears
بَنَى, شَيَّدَ, أَقَامَ
رَبَّى, نَشَّأَ
ارْتَفَع عَالِيًا
rear verb
  • watched a documentary on how wolves rear their young
  • it took all the men in the village to rear the frame for the barn, pulling hard at the ropes until all the sides were standing
مرادفات لِ:
rear verb