2 نتائج ترجمة لِ: land
land noun
أَرْض, دِيَّار
يَابِسَة, بَرّ
land noun
  • The land stretched as far as you could see.
  • They cleared some land to grow crops.
  • After two days of sailing, we were miles from land.
  • the land along the highway
  • They invaded the country by land and by sea.
  • They own land in Alaska.
  • They bought some land and built a house.
  • His lands extend as far as the eye can see.
  • We live in a beautiful land.
  • He was the most powerful politician in the land.
  • the lands of the Far East
مرادفات لِ:
land noun
land verb
landed, has landed, is landing, lands
land verb
  • The plane landed on the runway.
  • We watched the seaplanes landing on the water.
  • The bird landed in a tree.
  • A butterfly landed on the flower.
  • Our flight was scheduled to land in Pittsburgh at 4:00.
  • It was raining heavily at the airport when we landed.
  • The pilot was able to land the plane on the runway.
  • The golf ball landed in the trees.
  • I could not see where the ball landed.
  • The cat fell from the tree but landed on its feet.
مرادفات لِ:
land verb
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