2 نتائج ترجمة لِ: drift
drift verb
drifted, has drifted, is drifting, drifts
drift verb
  • The boat slowly drifted out to sea.
  • The clouds drifted across the sky.
  • The snow drifted against the side of the house.
  • Drifting snow covered most of the car.
  • The party guests drifted from room to room, eating and mingling.
  • Her eyes drifted across the crowd.
  • The conversation drifted from topic to topic.
  • My thoughts drifted back to the time when we first met.
  • After he left the army he just drifted for a few years.
  • She drifted from job to job.
مرادفات لِ:
drift verb
drift noun
drift noun
  • the slow drift of the clouds
  • As she got older, you could observe a drift in her writing towards more serious subjects.
  • the government's drift towards a centralization of power
مرادفات لِ:
drift noun
ترجمة عكسيّة لِ: