2 نتائج ترجمة لِ: along
along preposition
بالإِضَافَة لِ,عَلَى طُول, بالقُرْب
along preposition
  • We walked along the beach.
  • The chairs were lined up along the wall.
  • The ship sailed along the coast.
  • We drove to Boston and we stopped along the way for lunch.
along adverb
بالإِضَافَة لِ,عَلَى طُول, بالقُرْب
along adverb
  • We walked along beside the road.
  • I was just walking along, minding my own business.
  • The police told the people in the crowd to move along.
  • We looked at the houses as we drove along.
  • Plans for a new stadium are already pretty far along.
مرادفات لِ:
along adverb
عبارات ذات صلة بِـ: