2 نتائج ترجمة لِ: interesting
interesting adjective
interesting adjective
  • This is one of the most interesting books I've read all year.
  • It will be interesting to see how she decides to spend the money.
  • This building has an interesting history.
  • I don't find politics very interesting.
  • I found it interesting to learn that she had once lived in California.
  • Most of what he said wasn't interesting to me.
interest verb
interested, has interested, is interesting, interests
رَغَّبَ, أَرْغَبَ
interest verb
  • Military history doesn't really interest me.
  • It might interest you to know that the woman in this photograph is your great-grandmother.
  • It interested me to learn that she had once lived in California.
  • The salesman tried to interest me in a more expensive computer.
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