2 نتائج ترجمة لِ: honor
honor noun
شَرَف, احْتِرَام, ذِمَار
كَرَامَة, رِفْعَة, فَخْر, كَعْب, مَجْد
حَضْرَة, فَخَامَة, إِفْتِخَار
honor noun
  • These people deserve to be treated with honor.
  • The team brought honor to the school.
  • The building was named in honor of the city's founder.
  • He was prepared to fight to defend his family's honor.
  • She has a keen sense of honor.
  • He would not do it as a matter of honor.
  • He's a man of honor.
  • It was an honor to be invited.
honor verb
honored, has honored, is honoring, honors
شَرَّفَ, احْتَرَمَ, وَقَّرَ, كَرَّمَ, أَكْرَمَ, بَرَّ
هَابَ, تَهَيَّبَ, فَخَّمَ
جَلَّلَ, أَجَلَّ
honor verb
  • When we got married, we promised to love and honor each other.
  • We were honored with the queen's presence.
  • She has been honored by several organizations for her charitable works.
  • We need to find an appropriate way to honor these brave people.
  • They have established a scholarship as a way to honor his memory.
  • They are accused of failing to honor their debts.
مرادفات لِ:
honor verb