1 نتائج ترجمة لِ: difficulty
difficulty noun
صُعُوبَة, مُشْكِلَة, عَاثُور, مُعْضِلَة
عَقَبَة, عَرْقَلَة, شِقَّة, مَشَقَّة, وَرْطَة
حَرَاجَة, اسْتِفْحَال, نَجْدَة
مُضَايَقَة, ضَائِقَة
difficulty noun
  • She underestimated the difficulty of saving so much money.
  • He describes the many difficulties that he encountered on the road from poor orphan to head of a major corporation.
مرادفات لِ:
difficulty noun